DPD Places Wrecked Vehicle at School for Prom Week

For immediate release:

DOVER, MA – The Dover Police Department, in coordination with the Sherborn Police, the Dover-Sherborn Regional High School (DSRHS) and Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD), have placed a wrecked vehicle on display at the entrance to the DSRHS student parking lot for Prom Week. With both prom and graduation right around the corner, the wrecked vehicle is there to remind passersby of the magnitude poor decision making can have. While prom and graduation season are a time for celebration, the dangerous mix of alcohol and driving that some think is a rite of passage, has devastating consequences.

According to the National Transportation Safety Board, 33 percent of fatalities among 15 to 20 year-olds are a result of motor vehicle crashes, of which at least 35 percent are alcohol related. During the spring prom and graduation season, young people are more likely to fall victim to vehicle crashes, especially those involving alcohol.

This week, DSRHS distributed a letter to parents from Dover Police Chief Peter A. McGowan and Sherborn Police Chief Richard R. Thompson. The letter encouraged parents and students to make the tough decisions that will ensure everyone’s safety and security. The Dover and Sherborn Police Departments want all students to enjoy them-selves and return home safely during this significant time in their lives. The letter added, “No parent wants to be awakened by a late night call or visit by a law enforcement officer. Underage drinking isn’t a rite of passage, it’s a deadly choice. We ask that everyone be extra diligent when it comes to alcohol, as well as drug use.”

During the days leading up to prom, SADD will be making announcements at DSRHS to tell a story for the vehicle. “The vehicle is a focal point for discussion,” said Officer Harry Grabert, a Dover Police School Resource Officer (SRO). “It’s there to raise awareness and get people talking about the issue, so we can help students make smart decisions to stay safe.”

The Dover Police were assisted in placing the wrecked vehicle through the assistance of the Massachusetts State Police and Negoshians Towing.


Media inquiries may be directed to DPD Media Services. Please do not contact the Emergency Communications Center directly on this matter.

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